
Excited to recently be featured on Starter Story!   Starter Story is a cool site started by Pat Walls that interviews small business owners about the nuts and bolts of their business.

This is by far the most detailed interview I’ve done on the various inner workings of the Penny Portrait empire.  Check it out here and let me know what you think.

This interview is just one of a number that I’ve done about this crazy side biz.  You can see/hear additional interviews at the following links:

The Grit & Hustle podcast was super fun and Ryan Helms over there was great to chat with.  If you’re the type who’d rather listen than read, this is the link for you.

Grit & Hustle Penny Portrait Interview

Not too long ago I was featured on Chris Guillebeau’s “Side Hustle School” Episode 54.  Chris is a best selling author of such notable books as “The $100 Startup”.


I was also recently mentioned on Nick Loper’s “Side Hustle Nation”.  Nick has an amazing Facebook community where entrepreneurs share tips and tricks as well as weekly wins.  A great page if you have a side biz of your own.



And last but not least, an interview from when I was just getting this product off the ground from one of my favorite personal finance bloggers – Jonathan at My Money Blog.


Always happy to chat with anyone about unique business ideas and hopefully pass along a little of what I’ve learned from this crazy little side project.
